Revising the School Diet
In the summer of 2013 Amigos de Calcuta, with the help of two medical volunteers, revised the nutritional diet of the children of the orphanage in Kobardanga. The Brother explained the diet in detail, and one of the problems was the difficulty of buying some of the basic foods because he did not have adequate transportation or a van with a license to transport the food.

This summer, with the help of an Indian nutritionist, the revised improvements will be introduced. Overall it seems quite balanced, but it will be recommended to decrease the amount of buffalo milk, if possible, and replace it with cow’s milk that contains more fat content.
Purchasing a Vehicle to Facilitate Acquisition of Fruit and Vegetables
Amigos de Calcuta has financed a van (costing 258, 897 rupees (3,061.58) euros) to transport the food, which will help fulfill necessary food requirements and transportation issue.